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Differential Equations
An 18 page research paper on every available aspect of differential equations including Laplace Transforms and much more. A number of graphical illustrations are provided and the bibliography lists more than 8 sources.
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Linear Algebra
A 15 page research paper on various concepts in linear algebra. The writer details multivariables, vectors, determinants, gaussian elimination, and other elements of linear algebra. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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The Derivative In Average & Instantaneous Velocity
A 5 page paper explaining both average and instantaneous velocities. The writer demonstrates the relationship between the derivative and these primary functions. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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Graph Theory
A 6 page overview of the mathematical discipline of graph theory. As a field of study, graph theory has nothing at all to do with what most people normally associate with the word 'graph,' and is a specialized field. Applications range from...
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Number Theory / Chaos Theory
A 10 page paper that presents the basics of chaos theory, including mathematical information in a historical context (theorists). The paper covers Lorenz, Ruelle and Takens, Benoit Mandelbrot, Einstein, Shaw and the Santa Cruz collaborative, and...
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The Game Of Blackjack / Card Counting & Other Strategies
This 5 page paper provides an overview of the game of Blackjack. A brief history and explanation of the game is included but the focus is on methods used to increase the odds of winning the game. Card counting, perecentages, & commonsense ratios are...
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The Science of Escher / Symmetry and Metaphor
A 10 page paper that provides an overview of the elements of science in the works of Escher, with a focus on symmetry and metaphor based in his mathematical approach. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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Girolamo Cardano / Mathematician
8 pages in length. Cardano was a 16 century Italian mathematician best known for his work entitled "Ars magna" (the "Great Art"), from which many new ideas in algebra were systematically presented. Among them are Cardano's rule and the linear...
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John Napier / The Creator of Logarithms
A 9 page research paper on the life, works, and mathematical contributions of John Napier (1550-1617) -- the man most commonly associated with the creation of Logarithms. Napier also developed methods for multiplying and dividing small rods known as...
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Pythagoras / The Philosopher, The Mathematician
A 15 page account of what is known of the life and scientific and mathematical contributions of Pythagoras. Particular attention is paid to the religious beliefs of his Pythagorean Order and how their beliefs has made it difficult to get a true...
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Pythagoras & Morality In Greek Philosophy
A 9 page paper on theories of morality in Greek philosophy focusing upon the works of Pythagoras. Pythagoreanism is seen only as a theory of the universe but also as a way of salvation. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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The Importance of Mathematics in Early Greek Culture
A 12 page comprehensive study of early Greek mathematicians and their cultural significance. Included in the discussion are Ptolemy, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato, and others. Bibliography lists 9 sources. (also related to Astronomy)
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Aristotle / Contributions To Mathematics Analyzed
This 5 page research paper discusses Aristotle's contributions to the field of mathematics. Specifically discussed are Aristotle's views on mathematics, in terms of the advancement of science, and his logical approach to mathematical study through...
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Einstein's Mathematics
In 5 pages the author discusses Albert Einstein's contributions to the field of science and mathematics while explaining such theories as E=mc2. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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Conic sections and their polar equations: 5 pages in length.
5 pages in length. Describes the polar equations associated with conic sections and the role played by eccentricity of the conic. A conic section is the two-dimensional figure that results when a plane insects a cone at various angles. Take one of...
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