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Academic papers on Earth & Physical Sciences

Ecosystems: North and South.
(5 pp). As we move into a new century we become more aware of how hard we were on the planet in the last one hundred years. This discussion examines the general criteria of an ecosystem, and then illustrates what an ecosystem is be...
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American Museum of Natural History.
(6pp). The Rose Center's permanent exhibits, detailing the size, scope and growth of the universe as well as the earth's place within it, were unveiled in February (2000) inside the new structure of steel and glass. The seven-story orb...
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Williamina Paton Stevens Fleming.
(5 pp) In 1906, Mina Fleming was the first American woman elected to the Royal Astronomical Society. In 1907 she published a study of 222 variable stars she had discovered. A British astronomer made the following observation: "Many...
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Natural Bridge Caverns
There are quite a few natural caves and caverns throughout the country that are as much, if not more so, of a tourist attraction than Natural Bridge Caverns in Texas. This 5 page paper explores the geological and social aspects of this natural...
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Petroleum Engineering
This is a 13 page paper which disusses petroleum engineering, the geological complexity of petroleum reservoirs and the extraction processes. The bibliography has 13 sources.
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The Gas Between the Stars
This 7 page paper provides an overview of an article by Reynolds published in the Scientific American. This review is followed by a collection of informatin about specific terms used in the article. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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